I can't believe Christmas has already come and gone! We had a wonderful time this year spending lots of time with family and enjoying the holidays with those we love so much. It was my parents' year to have us for Christmas so we started there early. My Dad graduated from his master's program through the naval academy in California on the 19th so JD and I spent that whole week before Christmas at their house watching Haley & Dutch... We had many fun times but holy cow... I definitly gained a much deeper appreciation for all that my Mom does for her kids! It also gave us a good insight of what life will be like once we have tiny tots of our own... one word...NUTS. That's what it will be! haha.
Once my parents got home from Cali, JD and I worked Monday and Tuesday of Christmas week and then headed over to my parents' house for all the festivities. We were there from Tuesday til Sunday and did so much fun stuff! We went sledding a couple times, hit up Winder Dairy for hot cocoa and scones, saw some movies, played TONS of cards and games, ate loads of goodies and Mom's delicious Christmas dinner, and watched some hilarious old home videos. I absolutely love spending time with my family and it made it even more fun that my Aunt Mary got to come and hang out with us for the entire week! It was so much fun having her up here!
Christmas was magical as always... even though JD and I decided not to go overboard since Baby's arrival will be here before we know it! Our big present that we got from both of our parents was a video camera that we definitely wanted to get before she gets here. JD also got me some of the luxery baby items I've been wanting like a new rocking chair glider. I can't wait to use it! These pregnancy hormones are really taking their toll on me... once those tears get to flowing I just can't make them stop! I thought I would be ok Christmas morning until we opened up my Grandma Lines' present and card she sent us. Wish she could have been up here with us! The tears disappeard for a little bit and came right back when we opened the little note that Dutcher wrote to us and wrapped up. He's such a sweet boy.. I can't believe how big him and Haley are getting! I think what made Christmas morning the most exciting though was when Dutcher opened the present we got him... a nice BYU football autographed and addressed to Dutch by Austin Collie. He sorta went nuts when he opened it and we loved it! Good thing we're still in college and have some BYU connections to work with... Dutch is definitely a BYU super fan.. and Austin Collie is by far his favorite player on the team. I was excited we could do that for him this year.
I love love love the feeling of Christmas and all the fun and laughter it brings into our homes. Once our adventures were finished up there, we packed our bags and headed to the ranch in Montana where we'll be until Saturday! It has been fun to keep the festivities going up here... starting with some present opening when we arrived.. and leading to some sweet bowling games last night where I got my high score! JD still beat me.. but holy smokes... I think the bowling ball I have in my tummy is what made all the difference! Maybe Baby Folsom will be a natural... she's definitely good luck to her Mama! The Folsom family is full of big time bowlers.. it took all I had to just keep up!
The boys are all out sorting the horses and I might just buck up and go out there myself. I'm really not a 'cold' lover and it is cold out there to say the least. Last night there was a ginormous wind storm and it was so scary! Today the sun is shining and it's super clear so I better take advantage of it!
I love the holidays to say the least and the time we get to spend with family is definitely priceless. I have felt so blessed this Christmas season and feel so grateful for the Gospel and the birth of our Savior. Each year is filled with so many new adventure and somehow each year continues to get better and better. I can't wait to see what 2009 will bring!
Pictures will come once we get home... the internet connection is too slow so it just brings up an error when I try here!
Welcome to our blog!! Now get comfy & stay awhile....We are no longer private... so if we aren't on your blog feed then get to gettin' and add us back on there!! jdandmicahfolsom.blogspot.com:) While you're at it, might as well put my photog blog on there too, right?! micahfolsomphotography.com/blog. You're the best!
Gingerbread Houses & Baby Update
Sunday night we headed over to my brother's house to hang out with them and have a 'gingerbread house making contest'. Not really, cause they would have won... but we had so much fun! After we were done making them we played about 5 rounds of Skip-Bo and watched the Grinch... I absolutely LOVE that movie. I love doing Christmas things... it gets me in the best mood ever! Here's some of our after shots...

Our little masterpiece.

Brye and Michelle with their piece of artwork. haha

The proud artists:)
Now for the BABY UPDATE:
We had another appointment this morning and everything still looks good! She is getting so big... it's nuts! She's just barely under 2 pounds and growing by the day. I can now feel her punch one side of my tummy and kick the other side simultaneously. She's getting pretty long I think! haha. I love it though. JD and I love to just sit and watch my belly bounce around... I figure she thinks she's in some sort of jungle gym! She already has the cutest little personality and we can't wait to hold her and love on her! Today's sort of a fun day... 180 days down.. and 100 to go! WOO!

Our little masterpiece.

Brye and Michelle with their piece of artwork. haha

The proud artists:)
Now for the BABY UPDATE:
We had another appointment this morning and everything still looks good! She is getting so big... it's nuts! She's just barely under 2 pounds and growing by the day. I can now feel her punch one side of my tummy and kick the other side simultaneously. She's getting pretty long I think! haha. I love it though. JD and I love to just sit and watch my belly bounce around... I figure she thinks she's in some sort of jungle gym! She already has the cutest little personality and we can't wait to hold her and love on her! Today's sort of a fun day... 180 days down.. and 100 to go! WOO!
Weekend in Montana
This past weekend JD had another playoff game up at the University of Montana so we got to go stay up at the ranch a couple nights as well. It was so nice to take a little break before finals week! We even got to go up and cut down the Folsom Family Christmas Tree:) It was quite a treat... Kim was a first timer so it was especially exciting for her! Well as for the game, Weber ended up losing 24-13 but JD had a great game so it was a bitter sweet end to a great season! Their stands were packed with about 30,000 fans covered in maroon who didn't stop yelling the ENTIRE time! It was nuts! I love love love watching JD play and will miss it so much but it's also nice now that we can just keep on chuggin'! There are so many new adventures to come and we are both anxious to see the way things fall into place.
As soon as the middle of January we'll start hearing back from Vet Schools on whether or not they want to interview or if he's been accepted. I get the jitters just thinking about it! Our next four years depends upon these results and baby Folsom is anxious to hear where she gets to spend her tiny tot days! I know that everything will work out the way it's supposed to, whether he gets in or not. It'll just be nice to finally know one way or the other! I'm so proud of him though for all the hard work he puts into supporting our little family and making plans for our future. I don't know what I'd do without him!
Here are some pictures from the weekend! A nice little ending to his college football career... and a nice start to our Christmas VACA!

As soon as the middle of January we'll start hearing back from Vet Schools on whether or not they want to interview or if he's been accepted. I get the jitters just thinking about it! Our next four years depends upon these results and baby Folsom is anxious to hear where she gets to spend her tiny tot days! I know that everything will work out the way it's supposed to, whether he gets in or not. It'll just be nice to finally know one way or the other! I'm so proud of him though for all the hard work he puts into supporting our little family and making plans for our future. I don't know what I'd do without him!
Here are some pictures from the weekend! A nice little ending to his college football career... and a nice start to our Christmas VACA!

One Year Down... Eternity To Go:)
Today is mine and JD's one year anniversary! I honestly can't even describe how much joy my sweet husband has brought into my life. This has been the most amazing year... with so many new challenges and adventures... and I can't imagine experiencing them with anyone else. JD has been my rock and I know he will be the best Daddy to our sweet little girl on the way. I find myself falling in love with him more and more each day for so many different reasons. I feel so lucky and truly blessed to have him by my side for all eternity! I thought last year's December 8th would be my favorite ever... but I loved waking up next to him this morning and every morning to come even better!
One down babe... and MANY more to come! I can't wait to share so many more experiences with you.... tears, happiness, adventures. They will all be worth it with you by my side. Happy One Year Sweetie!

One down babe... and MANY more to come! I can't wait to share so many more experiences with you.... tears, happiness, adventures. They will all be worth it with you by my side. Happy One Year Sweetie!

Football Update
We have... well I have LOVED being able to go to JD's past 2 games and there is still at least one more to go this Saturday in Montana! First of all, we had a wonderful Thanksgiving at Grandma Nan's house:) All the food was delicious and the company was even better! The next day, JD left for San Luis Obispo, CA for their first playoff game against #3 Cal Poly, and I hit the road before they even got in the air! It was about a 14 hour drive each way... but Kim and I hopped in with her inlaws so that made it a little nicer! I'm so glad I was able to see that game! They beat the Mustangs at their place which was huge and the game was intense the entire time! I was screamin my little heart out... I think baby girl might think Mom's a little crazy from all the comotion:) This weekend we are heading up to the University of Montana for round 2... Hopefully we can beat those guys one more time this season! Here's some pics of the Cal Poly game and also from Senior day which was his last home game a couple weeks ago.
And yes... I am LOVING that it is December and Christmas is just around the corner! Baby is great and so is Mama!

And yes... I am LOVING that it is December and Christmas is just around the corner! Baby is great and so is Mama!

First Date w/ Our Little Sweet Pea
Yesterday we had our targeted ultrasound for my 22 week appt. and it was the NEATEST thing ever. We got to see our sweet little girl and her cute features and have already been tagging each body part to either one of us:) It made everything seem so much more real and JD and I just couldn't get enough of her. That girl had better be ready for some serious smooches the second she plops into this world! It was crazy how close I felt with JD after the appt. Something that is hard to explain.. but the best feeling ever. Probably because our little Sweet Pea is a perfect depiction of the two of us. We can't wait til she gets here! Here are some of her 3-D pics... They aren't the best quality... but as good as pictures of pictures could turn out I guess!
Classic girl shot... notice the three lines....'it's official'
This was adorable! She's sucking her thumb and her pointer and middle fingers are on either side of her nose.. too cute!
This one's JD's favorite... her perfect little face.
I love this one. Her fingers are so cute and JD and I already decided her ears are a mixture of both of ours.. haha
I love this shot of her face... I think she totally has JD's cute nose.
Check out the guns on this girl already! You should have seen her quad and calf muscles... the ultrasound tech couldn't believe how buff this little mama is. But come on... look at her Dad!
Just little Sweet Pea cuddling up close to my placenta. Ahh.. I'm in love!

Our Week / Weekend of Fun
Let me tell you... We had such a good week! The volleyball team was gone to UNC and NAU from Wed til Sunday and I had to stay home from this one... but it came at just the right time! I was super stressed with school and my house was a wreck cause the second I got home I just wanted to crash and not do a single thing but homework. Well not only did I not travel this week, but JD had a bye week so we were able to get lots of things done together which made it even nicer!
First off, I tackled a few of my big assignments that were due coming up and totally stressing me out to the max. Tuesday night we went Christmas shopping for a few hours and are just about done! From here on out things get crazy so we figured we might as well get it all done now.
Thursday night we were able to go to the Temple with some of our friends, Brett & Kim, AND out to dinner. First date...ish thing we've done in a while! What a refreshing night... I love the peaceful feeling I have after going through a session. It seriously is the best ever.

At TGI Friday's before the Temple.

I generally don't wear white under black.. it was Temple attire. Give me a break:)
Then to just add to all the fun, the NEXT night we hung out at our other friends house, Marcus & Kristen, and got to play with their adorable little 2 month old, Jonah. We ordered food and watched a movie once the little man went to sleep and then just talked forever. I love spending time with our friends and we hardly get to so it was so nice! Hanging out with babies gets me feeling so anxious for our Sweet Pea to finally get here!

The boys discussing movies... me googling over the little man
Saturday we spent a couple hours cleaning our house and also managed to clean out our cram packed closet and made some more room for winter clothes and even a future spot for Baby Folsom. We went Christmas shopping for a little bit longer and then JD went into work that night so I was able to do another assignment which was nice to get done. Sunday we took off to my parents' house right after church and hanging out there is always the best. Their house will always feel like home to me and I love being there! We really needed a week like this... although we were busy to the max, I feel like we got so much done and were able to spend way more time together which was the best part of it all:)
First off, I tackled a few of my big assignments that were due coming up and totally stressing me out to the max. Tuesday night we went Christmas shopping for a few hours and are just about done! From here on out things get crazy so we figured we might as well get it all done now.
Thursday night we were able to go to the Temple with some of our friends, Brett & Kim, AND out to dinner. First date...ish thing we've done in a while! What a refreshing night... I love the peaceful feeling I have after going through a session. It seriously is the best ever.

At TGI Friday's before the Temple.

I generally don't wear white under black.. it was Temple attire. Give me a break:)
Then to just add to all the fun, the NEXT night we hung out at our other friends house, Marcus & Kristen, and got to play with their adorable little 2 month old, Jonah. We ordered food and watched a movie once the little man went to sleep and then just talked forever. I love spending time with our friends and we hardly get to so it was so nice! Hanging out with babies gets me feeling so anxious for our Sweet Pea to finally get here!

The boys discussing movies... me googling over the little man
Saturday we spent a couple hours cleaning our house and also managed to clean out our cram packed closet and made some more room for winter clothes and even a future spot for Baby Folsom. We went Christmas shopping for a little bit longer and then JD went into work that night so I was able to do another assignment which was nice to get done. Sunday we took off to my parents' house right after church and hanging out there is always the best. Their house will always feel like home to me and I love being there! We really needed a week like this... although we were busy to the max, I feel like we got so much done and were able to spend way more time together which was the best part of it all:)
Dear Baby Girl,
I’m writing this to you, not yet a parent, but as close to a parent as I’ve ever been. I’m overwhelmed with all sorts of emotions regarding what’s to come in just five months. I have twenty weeks of my normal life. Life as I’ve known it for twenty years. But I am so anxious for my new life to finally begin. I can now feel you move around on a daily basis... kicking and squirming almost hourly. I am ecstatic and so anxious to meet you, but at the same time terrified of the challenges and hardships that are to come. I think about you constantly in all sorts of ‘what if’ situations. I must have thought up just about every scenario possible by now. I already have so much love for you, it's crazy; hard to imagine that it could grow anymore. With all of these emotions streaming through my body each day, I somehow have a sense of peace about me. I know that this is the right thing and that you are part of me for a reason. Daddy and I are so excited and preparing in every way possible for you to finally get here. Until I’m holding you in my arms, I will continue to feel everything imaginable: scared, thrilled, worried, restless, overjoyed, antsy. And I’m sure all these emotions won’t just be lifted once you’re here; only magnified with a whole different batch of feelings to cushion what the future holds. But until then, just know that we love you Sweet Baby!
Halloweenie and Baby Update
Let me just start off by saying I had a grand ole' time trying to find a costume... thus explaining what we finally ended up doing! My brother and his wife threw a cute little couples dinner party and it was so much fun! It's funny how much entertainment changes once you are married. Most of my single friends would have probably thought it was completely lame for a halloween party... but all the couples had a ball:)

Mine said "I'm Hefty"... and his said "And I'm Glad".

My bro as Pee Wee and his Disco Diva Wife... Best costumes.. I loved them!
Well as far as a prego update goes... I'm now 20 weeks... yes HALF WAY! I can feel the baby move so much now and I absolutely love it! It's the neatest thing. JD hasn't been around when she is kicking so he's yet to feel her.. but can't wait! I feel wonderful... besides the abnormally large bulge on my front side and the random moves and kicks.. I would be convinced that I wasn't pregnant at all!
On a side note.. my Dad's bday was on Nov. 1 and Brye's was Nov. 2. We got together on Sunday to celebrate for a bit and it was fun as usual. I love hanging out with our families! Also... JD's team is doing awesome! They are now 6-0 in conference with just 2 games to go! They're on their way to bein the Big Sky Champs for I think the first time in Weber history! Yay babe!

Mine said "I'm Hefty"... and his said "And I'm Glad".

My bro as Pee Wee and his Disco Diva Wife... Best costumes.. I loved them!
Well as far as a prego update goes... I'm now 20 weeks... yes HALF WAY! I can feel the baby move so much now and I absolutely love it! It's the neatest thing. JD hasn't been around when she is kicking so he's yet to feel her.. but can't wait! I feel wonderful... besides the abnormally large bulge on my front side and the random moves and kicks.. I would be convinced that I wasn't pregnant at all!
On a side note.. my Dad's bday was on Nov. 1 and Brye's was Nov. 2. We got together on Sunday to celebrate for a bit and it was fun as usual. I love hanging out with our families! Also... JD's team is doing awesome! They are now 6-0 in conference with just 2 games to go! They're on their way to bein the Big Sky Champs for I think the first time in Weber history! Yay babe!

Enough said! What they THOUGHT looked like a little tyke... turned out to be a just a slighly swollen little GIRL! JD's face was priceless when the doc told us the news... but he is more than excited to kiss all over his baby girl when she comes! It was kinda weird... I thought I wanted a little boy first to be the big brother and all, but when the doc told me last time that he thought it was a boy... I was kind of disappointed. For some reason I had a feeling it was a girl and can't even act like I'm surprised she really is!
My Dad even said she was a girl the whole time and my mom thought she was too. Sorry babe... maybe next time you'll get your little slugger! He said we'll keep poppin' em out til we get a boy! This could be a LONG process! haha. But I can't wait to dress her up in all sorts of cute stuff and show her how much fun bein a girl is:) I guarantee she'll be a little daddy's girl too. We already have a name picked out but we'll keep that our little secret 'til she arrives in March!
Prego Pics 16 1/2 Weeks
Ok so I've been all talk for awhile but I think it's time to finally start documenting my belly bump... at least so I can remember. I already forgot what it's like to have somewhat of a flat tummy and it's only been 16 weeks! So here are the first shots at 16 1/2 weeks. I'm not gonna lie... seeing these makes it seem even more real for me! haha. I go in for my next appt. next Monday, the 20th so we're super excited to find out if our little one REALLY is a boy!

Overdue but still worth it
I have been perma on the run lately so I'm finally getting around to posting about when I got to go to my little 8 year old brother, Dutcher's football game! It was so fun to see him play... little bodies tackling each other is a crack up! They do the cutest things! I think we have a mini J.D. on our hands:) We'll see! He's such a little stud!

Just Dutch bein' Dutch... he's a little comedian!

My cute Mom and sister with her friend.

He's adorable!
Well that's been needing to be put up a few weeks ago! As for an update lately... Just staying busy! I'm now 16 weeks along and getting a little tummy! I guess I should start posting pictures now.. I just never take any anymore! I'll work on it!
Last Friday before conference JD and I had the opportunity to go to Park City for his mission reunion... it was so much fun to meet some of his companions and his mission presidents. I got to play with the cutest little 4 month old boy.. Brody.. and it made me that much more anxious for March to get here! Even after all of Sarah's labor horror stories! haha.
JD's football team had a huge win over Montana last Saturday who was ranked 3rd I believe... first time in about ten years.. and it moved Weber up to 22nd in the nation in D1 AA division. Woowoo!

Just Dutch bein' Dutch... he's a little comedian!

My cute Mom and sister with her friend.

He's adorable!
Well that's been needing to be put up a few weeks ago! As for an update lately... Just staying busy! I'm now 16 weeks along and getting a little tummy! I guess I should start posting pictures now.. I just never take any anymore! I'll work on it!
Last Friday before conference JD and I had the opportunity to go to Park City for his mission reunion... it was so much fun to meet some of his companions and his mission presidents. I got to play with the cutest little 4 month old boy.. Brody.. and it made me that much more anxious for March to get here! Even after all of Sarah's labor horror stories! haha.
JD's football team had a huge win over Montana last Saturday who was ranked 3rd I believe... first time in about ten years.. and it moved Weber up to 22nd in the nation in D1 AA division. Woowoo!
Weber vs. Utah
So this past weekend I finally got to see one of JD's football games! It was so much fun... they played at Utah, who is ranked 17th right now and really made it a fun game. The final score was 37-21.... not too shabby. I'm not gonna lie, JD really impressed me! He's quite the lil linebacker. I was totally bummed when he sprained his ankle about a minute into the second half and was out the rest of the game! Even just playing the first half only, he ended up with around 10 tackles! Yeah babe! It was just so much fun to finally get to be there and not have to only hear about how it went from a phone call after the game. We also got to hang out with his family and that was tons of fun as well. Here's just after the game... JD's still crutchin' around, but they should be able to get him back by Saturday's game against Montana!

Doc said it's still pretty early... but he's 99.9% sure we're having a lil linebacker ourselves! So excited! We'll keep you updated as things progress. I'm officially done playing ball and it's totally lame! We'd been praying about it a lot and really felt strong that it was finally time to stop. It started to hurt diving around 11 or 12 weeks and it just isn't worth letting anything happen to the baby. Now I'm cheering from the bench and helping the girls as much as I can with the mental aspect! I know it was the right decision... just hard to finally hang up my cleats after so many years of playing.

Doc said it's still pretty early... but he's 99.9% sure we're having a lil linebacker ourselves! So excited! We'll keep you updated as things progress. I'm officially done playing ball and it's totally lame! We'd been praying about it a lot and really felt strong that it was finally time to stop. It started to hurt diving around 11 or 12 weeks and it just isn't worth letting anything happen to the baby. Now I'm cheering from the bench and helping the girls as much as I can with the mental aspect! I know it was the right decision... just hard to finally hang up my cleats after so many years of playing.
Better Reconsider!
Oh my GOSH! I saw this on Missy's blog and decided to give it a try... I'm not gonna lie... this baby kinda freaked me out! There's no turning back now! But I surely hope we make cuter babies than this lil thing! hahahaha. I was dying! Try it!

What do you think about my little new baby Baby Folsom?
MakeMeBabies.com - What will your baby look like?

What do you think about my little new baby Baby Folsom?
MakeMeBabies.com - What will your baby look like?

Four More Days:)
If you haven't noticed the poll deadline... you only have 4 more days to vote on what our baby is! I go in for my 3rd appointment on Monday... and according to the doc, since I'll be 14 weeks, they should be able to tell what the baby is if it cooperates! If it... i hate that... it will be nice when it is finally a he or she:) So cross your fingers and get to voting!
Also, volleyball is finally opening up conference play against Eastern Washington at HOME tonight.. that's right Swenson Gym at 7:00. Everyone should come out and cheer your little hearts out. The louder the better!
Also, volleyball is finally opening up conference play against Eastern Washington at HOME tonight.. that's right Swenson Gym at 7:00. Everyone should come out and cheer your little hearts out. The louder the better!
So much chaos!
Wow! I'll just start off by saying I'm a horrible blogger! I blame it all on my lap top because it is currently broken so the only ones I'm on are my work computer and J.D.'s. But I can only upload photos onto mine so I really have no motivation to do posts without pictures! UGH!
Anyways.... So much has happened lately! Preseason is well on it's way. We've been to Arizona, Texas, and are leaving in the morning for Washington. We are playing well and doing a lot of good things so this season is looking bright for the Wildcats! J.D, the lucky boy, just got back on Monday from playing a game in HAWAII! I know.. they got to hang out on the beach while we were in the gym in Texas... It's ok though. They gave them a good game, winning at the half 17-7 but couldn't pull it off. J.D. had a great game though! Go 33:)

Hmm... what else? Ohh.. I also got to celebrate the big 20th bday in Texas on the 6th. We went to eat at the Texas Roadhouse that night so I've gotten to ride that saddle two years in a row now! Last year on the morning of my birthday J.D. made me a surprise breakfast and proposed... so it will be hard to ever top that one! Since I was away, my cute family came up to Ogden the Wed. before we left for Texas and took me out to lunch so that was lots of fun!
Other than that.... just trying to stay caught up with school. Missing every single Thursday and Friday class since school started really puts a damper on things! It totally stresses me out! On a lighter note, J.D. submitted all of his vet school applications yesterday so keep your fingers crossed! I'm so proud of all the hard work he put into those dang things!
I think that's about it though with the Folsom clan. Oh wait! Sometimes I forget that I'm preggers! A little update on that... I'm now 12 weeks and almost outta the first trimester! woowoo! We went in for our second appt. a couple weeks ago and got to see the cute little baby and hear it's heartbeat. It was seriously precious! Until then, it all seemed a little bit pretend! I'm still not showing, well, others probably think so. I can tell I'm gettin' a little bit thicker through the middle than tickles my fancy... but that's life. I'm just anxious to get past this....has she gained weight? stage... and onto the "oh how fun, she's pregnant! stage. I can surely wait though. The longer my tummy stays little, the longer I can play ball!
This is so long.... to end it, I would like to give a shout out to my little sister, Haley who is in 7th grade and made the volleyball team and is now setting for their middle school varsity team! You go girl! Hope everyone is doing great! Until next time.....
Anyways.... So much has happened lately! Preseason is well on it's way. We've been to Arizona, Texas, and are leaving in the morning for Washington. We are playing well and doing a lot of good things so this season is looking bright for the Wildcats! J.D, the lucky boy, just got back on Monday from playing a game in HAWAII! I know.. they got to hang out on the beach while we were in the gym in Texas... It's ok though. They gave them a good game, winning at the half 17-7 but couldn't pull it off. J.D. had a great game though! Go 33:)

Hmm... what else? Ohh.. I also got to celebrate the big 20th bday in Texas on the 6th. We went to eat at the Texas Roadhouse that night so I've gotten to ride that saddle two years in a row now! Last year on the morning of my birthday J.D. made me a surprise breakfast and proposed... so it will be hard to ever top that one! Since I was away, my cute family came up to Ogden the Wed. before we left for Texas and took me out to lunch so that was lots of fun!
Other than that.... just trying to stay caught up with school. Missing every single Thursday and Friday class since school started really puts a damper on things! It totally stresses me out! On a lighter note, J.D. submitted all of his vet school applications yesterday so keep your fingers crossed! I'm so proud of all the hard work he put into those dang things!
I think that's about it though with the Folsom clan. Oh wait! Sometimes I forget that I'm preggers! A little update on that... I'm now 12 weeks and almost outta the first trimester! woowoo! We went in for our second appt. a couple weeks ago and got to see the cute little baby and hear it's heartbeat. It was seriously precious! Until then, it all seemed a little bit pretend! I'm still not showing, well, others probably think so. I can tell I'm gettin' a little bit thicker through the middle than tickles my fancy... but that's life. I'm just anxious to get past this....has she gained weight? stage... and onto the "oh how fun, she's pregnant! stage. I can surely wait though. The longer my tummy stays little, the longer I can play ball!
This is so long.... to end it, I would like to give a shout out to my little sister, Haley who is in 7th grade and made the volleyball team and is now setting for their middle school varsity team! You go girl! Hope everyone is doing great! Until next time.....
Back to AZ!
So for volleyball, we're in Tucson, Arizona for a tournament at the University of Arizona and the fun begins today! We play UofA at 10 and then Gardner Webb at 5:00. Tomorrow morning we finish up with San Jose at 9 I think.... and then we head home! Last night there was a HUGE lightening storm and we loved it! When we walked out of practice we had to jump through all the puddles and were soaked when we finally made it to the vans... After eating WAY too much at the Cracker Barrel, we hit the sack in preparation for today:) It's nice to be back in Arizona! I think my Grandma and Grandpa Lines are coming to my game tonight and I can't wait to see them!
Summer Ends, Volleyball Begins!
Double days has begun! Well actually... they are about half way over by now! It has been crazy intense and my body's definitely feelin' the prego effects but it's been so fun to get back into the gym with all the girls! We are gonna have such a strong team this year and it makes it that much more exciting! The latest baby update is that I can continue playing volleyball as long as my body tells me it's ok so that is super exciting as well! As for now... my body is doing great! The only time I feel really different is when I get super hot after a long ralley or after running.... then I just feel super nauseated. It's great! haha. I love my team though and I can't wait to see where we end up in the Big Sky. Preseason rankings put us at 3rd but I think they're in for a little surprise! If you guys haven't made it out to any games then for sure try to! They are super fun and the season starts next Saturday at home with an alumni match. Should be exciting! J.D. is still in fall camp but at least is out of the dorms so he gets to sleep at home again! Woowoo! It was horrible having him gone! I can't wait for their season to start and to watch him any chance I get!
First Appointment
Today was our first appointment with Dr. Housel and it was a joyful time to say the least. I was anxious to see him so I could figure out exactly how far along I am and how much of the season I'll be able to play through. GOOD NEWS:] Turns out I'm only 6 weeks along so that'll give me a couple extra weeks longer to play. He said that once the first trimester is through things start getting dangerous for the baby so that puts me at the middle of September. Not too long! We won't even be into conference matches by then. He said he would keep an eye on me though and just see how things are progressing and then we'll have a better idea. Last thing I want to do though is put the baby in any sort of danger! But overall the first appointment was a good one. J.D. wasn't too enthused when he found out that since I'm only 6 weeks, the doc did a... close your eyes if you don't wanna know... vaginal ultrasound. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be though! He said everything was looking good! Then they had to draw blood for all the different tests... I HATE needles.. but it wasn't too bad! I think before it gets too late, I'll start posting the infamous belly shots so I can see the progression! So with the first appt. comes the first belly shot:]
Chaney tagged me!
Each player answers the questions themselves. At the end of the post the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment letting them know that they’ve been tagged and asking them to read your blog. Let the person who tagged you know when you’ve posted your answers.
"Ten years ago"…
1. I was still doing gymnastics 6 days a week.
2. I was almost able to use all of my fingers to hold up my age:]
3. I was playing with my then baby sister Haley any chance I got.
4. Living in our Gilbert house and meeting Kristin at the gutter.
5. Playing flag football with all the boys at recess.
Five things on today’s “to do” list
1. take my LAST summer final... check
2. go to basics.... check
3. go to work... in the process
4. have a date night with my cute hubby
5. eat lots of yummy cafe rio!
Five snacks I enjoy
1. honey mustard pretzels
2. watermelon
3. peaches
4. swiss cake rolls
5. fruit snacks
Five things I would do if I was a millionaire…
1. Buy TONS of cute cute baby stuff:]
2. Go to either Hawaii or the Caribbeans before March comes
3. Buy lots of land and build a house for us and one for my parents so Dutch and Haley can get their horses
4. Put a ton away so we could pay for Vet school all up front
5. Pay for Brye's school
Five places I have lived…
1. Grandma's house in Mesa
2. Gilbert house
3. Centerville house
4. Wyoming dorm
5. Our cute lil basement apartment we live in now:]
I tag...Steph, Missy, Britney, Mary, and Chelsea!
Each player answers the questions themselves. At the end of the post the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment letting them know that they’ve been tagged and asking them to read your blog. Let the person who tagged you know when you’ve posted your answers.
"Ten years ago"…
1. I was still doing gymnastics 6 days a week.
2. I was almost able to use all of my fingers to hold up my age:]
3. I was playing with my then baby sister Haley any chance I got.
4. Living in our Gilbert house and meeting Kristin at the gutter.
5. Playing flag football with all the boys at recess.
Five things on today’s “to do” list
1. take my LAST summer final... check
2. go to basics.... check
3. go to work... in the process
4. have a date night with my cute hubby
5. eat lots of yummy cafe rio!
Five snacks I enjoy
1. honey mustard pretzels
2. watermelon
3. peaches
4. swiss cake rolls
5. fruit snacks
Five things I would do if I was a millionaire…
1. Buy TONS of cute cute baby stuff:]
2. Go to either Hawaii or the Caribbeans before March comes
3. Buy lots of land and build a house for us and one for my parents so Dutch and Haley can get their horses
4. Put a ton away so we could pay for Vet school all up front
5. Pay for Brye's school
Five places I have lived…
1. Grandma's house in Mesa
2. Gilbert house
3. Centerville house
4. Wyoming dorm
5. Our cute lil basement apartment we live in now:]
I tag...Steph, Missy, Britney, Mary, and Chelsea!
Good News Spreads in Montana
So we got back last night from our fun trip up to the ranch. My family had SO much fun and Dutch didn't want to come home at all! He was trying to convince my Dad Lines that he could just work for Dad Folsom up there so they could stay. It was pretty cute. Dutch and Haley did so well with the horses and are now determined that whenever my parents move to a place with more land... they are going to get some horses of their own!
Well.. last July when I went up with J.D. this same weekend to 'meet the parents' he actually let them in on the news that we were getting married. This July trip, we were also able to share some exciting news with both of our families... WE'RE HAVING A BABY!

I went to the doctor to make sure it was for real last Monday... but we waited til this past weekend to tell our families so that we could tell them with everyone there. It was perfect! I loved the little poem that Mal used to tell her parents so I used that as an outline to come up with our own lil poem. It was Haley's bday on Saturday... but of course we couldn't wait that long to tell them.. so we had her open her present on Thursday night just before dinner. In the huge bag with her present in it, I tied a way long string to a ring pop so Haley just pulled and pulled til she found the end of the string which pulled the poem out. She didn't want to read it out loud so she gave it to my Dad and he took care of it. I was already feeling all emotional so I just cried the whole time he was reading it! haha. It was so much fun though to see their reactions.. they can't wait to be grandparents:]

Yes... I realize I still have a season left. And yes, this happened sooner than we'd expected. But we couldn't be more excited! The plan is that I'm just going to play this fall for as long as I can without it being dangerous for me or the baby. As for school next Spring, all of my classes will be online so I can have the baby late March and still finish up and graduate with a precious one month old! We are really ecstatic about the news and know that everything happens when it's supposed to so we know it's right. Now I can have the baby and still be close to my Mom for the first couple months before we have to leave for Vet School. I couldn't be happier that it ended up this way! While I love volleyball and will miss not being able to finish out the season, expanding our little family will be so worth it!
I go in for my first official appointment with the OB on Thursday so we'll find out the details then... but as of now, they think I'm about 6 or 7 weeks along:] I haven't even been sick so it's really been a walk in the park. I'm crossing my fingers that the rest will go this way as well!
Well.. last July when I went up with J.D. this same weekend to 'meet the parents' he actually let them in on the news that we were getting married. This July trip, we were also able to share some exciting news with both of our families... WE'RE HAVING A BABY!
I went to the doctor to make sure it was for real last Monday... but we waited til this past weekend to tell our families so that we could tell them with everyone there. It was perfect! I loved the little poem that Mal used to tell her parents so I used that as an outline to come up with our own lil poem. It was Haley's bday on Saturday... but of course we couldn't wait that long to tell them.. so we had her open her present on Thursday night just before dinner. In the huge bag with her present in it, I tied a way long string to a ring pop so Haley just pulled and pulled til she found the end of the string which pulled the poem out. She didn't want to read it out loud so she gave it to my Dad and he took care of it. I was already feeling all emotional so I just cried the whole time he was reading it! haha. It was so much fun though to see their reactions.. they can't wait to be grandparents:]
Yes... I realize I still have a season left. And yes, this happened sooner than we'd expected. But we couldn't be more excited! The plan is that I'm just going to play this fall for as long as I can without it being dangerous for me or the baby. As for school next Spring, all of my classes will be online so I can have the baby late March and still finish up and graduate with a precious one month old! We are really ecstatic about the news and know that everything happens when it's supposed to so we know it's right. Now I can have the baby and still be close to my Mom for the first couple months before we have to leave for Vet School. I couldn't be happier that it ended up this way! While I love volleyball and will miss not being able to finish out the season, expanding our little family will be so worth it!
I go in for my first official appointment with the OB on Thursday so we'll find out the details then... but as of now, they think I'm about 6 or 7 weeks along:] I haven't even been sick so it's really been a walk in the park. I'm crossing my fingers that the rest will go this way as well!
Boating & Weekend Preview
I'm kind of a slacker... but last week Brye invited us to go boating with some of his friends and it was way fun! I always love to be on the lake... JD had to work:[ but I took Jocilyn and Cosy in his place and we still had tons of fun!

Learning to wake surf... kinda.

Me 'n my besties:]
Things are kinda crazy right now... lots of work, JD has been working 6-midnight most nights and it's so stinky! We're also finally finishing up summer classes- YAY - morning conditioning, and house sitting! It's ok though, cause Thursday morning my whole family is taking off for Montana to go hang out with JD's family up at the ranch! I can't wait to get our families together.. we always have so much fun! Brye and his cute wife Michelle are even taking off work to come so I'm super excited! It's gonna be a fun filled trip full of lots of fun and surprises! Dutcher is getting baptized on Saturday somewhere in the creek up there and it's also Haley's 12th B-Day so it'll be lots of fun for sure! I'll try and remember to take lots of cute pics!

This is from the Ogden fireworks... I forgot about this... we have history at these yearly fireworks. This time last year me and JD had just barely started hanging out and he almost blew it by telling me he didn't think he could kiss me anymore cause he was kinda waiting to date this girl that was coming down to go to BYU. The dork almost blew it cause I'm so stinkin' stubborn. Good thing my Mom talked me into being nice and giving him a minute to come to his senses! haha. good thing he did:]

Learning to wake surf... kinda.

Me 'n my besties:]
Things are kinda crazy right now... lots of work, JD has been working 6-midnight most nights and it's so stinky! We're also finally finishing up summer classes- YAY - morning conditioning, and house sitting! It's ok though, cause Thursday morning my whole family is taking off for Montana to go hang out with JD's family up at the ranch! I can't wait to get our families together.. we always have so much fun! Brye and his cute wife Michelle are even taking off work to come so I'm super excited! It's gonna be a fun filled trip full of lots of fun and surprises! Dutcher is getting baptized on Saturday somewhere in the creek up there and it's also Haley's 12th B-Day so it'll be lots of fun for sure! I'll try and remember to take lots of cute pics!

This is from the Ogden fireworks... I forgot about this... we have history at these yearly fireworks. This time last year me and JD had just barely started hanging out and he almost blew it by telling me he didn't think he could kiss me anymore cause he was kinda waiting to date this girl that was coming down to go to BYU. The dork almost blew it cause I'm so stinkin' stubborn. Good thing my Mom talked me into being nice and giving him a minute to come to his senses! haha. good thing he did:]
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