Learning to wake surf... kinda.

Me 'n my besties:]
Things are kinda crazy right now... lots of work, JD has been working 6-midnight most nights and it's so stinky! We're also finally finishing up summer classes- YAY - morning conditioning, and house sitting! It's ok though, cause Thursday morning my whole family is taking off for Montana to go hang out with JD's family up at the ranch! I can't wait to get our families together.. we always have so much fun! Brye and his cute wife Michelle are even taking off work to come so I'm super excited! It's gonna be a fun filled trip full of lots of fun and surprises! Dutcher is getting baptized on Saturday somewhere in the creek up there and it's also Haley's 12th B-Day so it'll be lots of fun for sure! I'll try and remember to take lots of cute pics!

This is from the Ogden fireworks... I forgot about this... we have history at these yearly fireworks. This time last year me and JD had just barely started hanging out and he almost blew it by telling me he didn't think he could kiss me anymore cause he was kinda waiting to date this girl that was coming down to go to BYU. The dork almost blew it cause I'm so stinkin' stubborn. Good thing my Mom talked me into being nice and giving him a minute to come to his senses! haha. good thing he did:]
sounds fun- montana will be a blast! cute pic! i love those fireworks!
I love the lake! I miss going. It is so fun getting your family with the in-laws, I love it! I hope you guys have fun!
Micah its Shawntae Hemsley I found your blog I hope you dont mind! You and your husband look so cute together its good to see you girly! Dont you just love blogs!!
way cute pic micah baby! Im excited to see you in a month or so at our vball game!
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