We had such a fun weekend! We were house sitting for a home in Layton so we spent the 4th there. We BBQed some steaks and chicken and then sauted shrimp and it was so yummy! I ate way too much though... seems that's always the case when good grub is in front of me. We basically just relaxed the entire day and watched movies until the fireworks started. Cosy was with us all day and then our friends Jocilyn and Ryan came over and we saw all the fireworks from their deck. It was so much fun! The next day was my Mom's BDAY! So that morning we went swimmin' with Cosy and then headed with my family at around 2 o'clock. We hit up Javier's for some linner and then went to see Hancock. We got some Farr's ice cream... which you haven't had ice cream til you've been here... and then just hung out at our place for while til they went home. It was so nice just hanging out with them all Saturday! I hope my Mom had a wonderful B-Day! All in all... it was just the weekend we needed!

The 'Grub'

Me and J.D. gettin' ready to feast.

Me and Cosy.

Watching fireworks on the deck... can you tell we had just gotten done watching two movies in a row? I look like I'm half asleep. haha.
Hey micah!! Yes i'm extremely happy! Married life is a blast! You look super happy also... Its weird seeing everybody, married and all...Its gonna be more weird once people start having kids! Anyway, I hope everything is going well with you!
Hey Micah. Sorry - I just saw your comment on my post. I will tell michelle to invite you.... :) Ps. We went to grandma's last night, and they couldnt stop saying nice things about your hubby. Glad you found such a nice one. You are really cute together! :)
Looks like you guys had a fun weekend! I love good grub! :)
You and JD are so cute together - he seems like the best guy! Happy Birthday Aunt Kim! We need to come up to Utah sometime and visit everyone.
Micah! Since when did you get a blog? I'm glad you found me- Looks like things are going good for you and your hubby! we seriously should get together sometime, we really like kickin it with married couples. Your blog is adorable by the way.
we live in the marriage student housing on campus at the U. it's pretty sick- where are you guys living? let's plan something for this weekend or next, i would love to see you and meet your husband!!
Sounds like such a fun weekend! You & JD make such a cute couple!
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