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Football Update
We have... well I have LOVED being able to go to JD's past 2 games and there is still at least one more to go this Saturday in Montana! First of all, we had a wonderful Thanksgiving at Grandma Nan's house:) All the food was delicious and the company was even better! The next day, JD left for San Luis Obispo, CA for their first playoff game against #3 Cal Poly, and I hit the road before they even got in the air! It was about a 14 hour drive each way... but Kim and I hopped in with her inlaws so that made it a little nicer! I'm so glad I was able to see that game! They beat the Mustangs at their place which was huge and the game was intense the entire time! I was screamin my little heart out... I think baby girl might think Mom's a little crazy from all the comotion:) This weekend we are heading up to the University of Montana for round 2... Hopefully we can beat those guys one more time this season! Here's some pics of the Cal Poly game and also from Senior day which was his last home game a couple weeks ago.
And yes... I am LOVING that it is December and Christmas is just around the corner! Baby is great and so is Mama!
I'm so sad you won't be able to be there on Saturday... but you're a good supporting wifey!! So i'll let it slide! You're so nice to get a present for the babe! You'll for sure have to stop by sometime! I wanna see your belly in person! Your belly is looking so cute, i love it!
I am so jealous that you're wearing sweaters and light jackets in those pictures! It's a whopping 15 degrees here in chilly Milwaukee! We miss you guys- hopefully we'll be able to catch up over the Christmas break- will you be in Salt Lake at all?
Fun! You look so cute pregnant! When is your due date?
I'm so sad you won't be able to be there on Saturday... but you're a good supporting wifey!! So i'll let it slide!
You're so nice to get a present for the babe! You'll for sure have to stop by sometime! I wanna see your belly in person! Your belly is looking so cute, i love it!
You are the cutest little prego lady I've ever seen!
Look at your cute little prego body!! You look so cute, and how exciting!!
YOu are too cute!!! I am excited for you!!!
I am so jealous that you're wearing sweaters and light jackets in those pictures! It's a whopping 15 degrees here in chilly Milwaukee! We miss you guys- hopefully we'll be able to catch up over the Christmas break- will you be in Salt Lake at all?
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