So this past weekend I finally got to see one of JD's football games! It was so much fun... they played at Utah, who is ranked 17th right now and really made it a fun game. The final score was 37-21.... not too shabby. I'm not gonna lie, JD really impressed me! He's quite the lil linebacker. I was totally bummed when he sprained his ankle about a minute into the second half and was out the rest of the game! Even just playing the first half only, he ended up with around 10 tackles! Yeah babe! It was just so much fun to finally get to be there and not have to only hear about how it went from a phone call after the game. We also got to hang out with his family and that was tons of fun as well. Here's just after the game... JD's still crutchin' around, but they should be able to get him back by Saturday's game against Montana!

Doc said it's still pretty early... but he's 99.9% sure we're having a lil linebacker ourselves! So excited! We'll keep you updated as things progress. I'm officially done playing ball and it's totally lame! We'd been praying about it a lot and really felt strong that it was finally time to stop. It started to hurt diving around 11 or 12 weeks and it just isn't worth letting anything happen to the baby. Now I'm cheering from the bench and helping the girls as much as I can with the mental aspect! I know it was the right decision... just hard to finally hang up my cleats after so many years of playing.
I heard that game was a good game. We were going to go but ended up going to the Circus instead. I hope his foot gets better soon!
That's a bummer that you're done playing, but so exciting about having a boy! (Boys are a lot harder to misinterpret... ha ha.) Do you mind if I ask what you're thinking of for names?
We are so excited for you guys! Looks like your babies going to be quite the looker! Love the picture of the girl... I swear i've seen that face before! Haha. It looks familiar i guess!
Cleats...? I know you "spike" but not in the dirt! Just kidding :) It was fun while it lasted right? If you ever move back to AZ you can come play on my city team or we could get a family team. Amy could set. You and me outside. Jen and Shellene middle. Oh yes, Shellene's a wild woman on the court. Just need one more right side and we're set!
That would be awesome if you were having a boy! He could be friends with my little man! I would love for you to come and see Daxton! Just let me know when you want to come!
haha!!! I know I cant believe stupid...But anyway it was good to finally meet you....cant wait to get to hang out more!!! PSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS dont forget my invite to the shower!!! YAY!! so excited for you two:)
i vote that you post prego pictures as SOON as you start showing yer cute belly!
if that sounds creepy. sorry.haha
but yer gorgeous & you'll be super cute prego!
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