Anyways.... So much has happened lately! Preseason is well on it's way. We've been to Arizona, Texas, and are leaving in the morning for Washington. We are playing well and doing a lot of good things so this season is looking bright for the Wildcats! J.D, the lucky boy, just got back on Monday from playing a game in HAWAII! I know.. they got to hang out on the beach while we were in the gym in Texas... It's ok though. They gave them a good game, winning at the half 17-7 but couldn't pull it off. J.D. had a great game though! Go 33:)

Hmm... what else? Ohh.. I also got to celebrate the big 20th bday in Texas on the 6th. We went to eat at the Texas Roadhouse that night so I've gotten to ride that saddle two years in a row now! Last year on the morning of my birthday J.D. made me a surprise breakfast and proposed... so it will be hard to ever top that one! Since I was away, my cute family came up to Ogden the Wed. before we left for Texas and took me out to lunch so that was lots of fun!
Other than that.... just trying to stay caught up with school. Missing every single Thursday and Friday class since school started really puts a damper on things! It totally stresses me out! On a lighter note, J.D. submitted all of his vet school applications yesterday so keep your fingers crossed! I'm so proud of all the hard work he put into those dang things!
I think that's about it though with the Folsom clan. Oh wait! Sometimes I forget that I'm preggers! A little update on that... I'm now 12 weeks and almost outta the first trimester! woowoo! We went in for our second appt. a couple weeks ago and got to see the cute little baby and hear it's heartbeat. It was seriously precious! Until then, it all seemed a little bit pretend! I'm still not showing, well, others probably think so. I can tell I'm gettin' a little bit thicker through the middle than tickles my fancy... but that's life. I'm just anxious to get past this....has she gained weight? stage... and onto the "oh how fun, she's pregnant! stage. I can surely wait though. The longer my tummy stays little, the longer I can play ball!
This is so long.... to end it, I would like to give a shout out to my little sister, Haley who is in 7th grade and made the volleyball team and is now setting for their middle school varsity team! You go girl! Hope everyone is doing great! Until next time.....
Wow woman you are busy! That is awesome about your second appointment. I bet that was just heart melting! That is awesome he submitted all his stuff. I'll keep my fingers crossed!
I love reading about what you two are up to! It sounds like you've got plenty to keep you busy. Tell JD congrats on getting vet school applications in- I remember Brad's application process for med school, it was a ton of work! I'm looking forward to hearing where you guys end up! (Is there a vet school in Milwaukee???) We love you guys!
Happy Birthday!! Roadhouse is my favorite!! Sounds like you've been super busy!! Hopefully it will make the pregnancy seem to slide by quickly! How are you feeling? Next time you are in AZ we should get together for lunch or something!!
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