Mine said "I'm Hefty"... and his said "And I'm Glad".

My bro as Pee Wee and his Disco Diva Wife... Best costumes.. I loved them!
Well as far as a prego update goes... I'm now 20 weeks... yes HALF WAY! I can feel the baby move so much now and I absolutely love it! It's the neatest thing. JD hasn't been around when she is kicking so he's yet to feel her.. but can't wait! I feel wonderful... besides the abnormally large bulge on my front side and the random moves and kicks.. I would be convinced that I wasn't pregnant at all!
On a side note.. my Dad's bday was on Nov. 1 and Brye's was Nov. 2. We got together on Sunday to celebrate for a bit and it was fun as usual. I love hanging out with our families! Also... JD's team is doing awesome! They are now 6-0 in conference with just 2 games to go! They're on their way to bein the Big Sky Champs for I think the first time in Weber history! Yay babe!
hilarious costumes! Did you make that up yourself? Very creative.
Micah, you look so stinkin cute! We need to go to lunch! Yey!
Those costumes were awesome haha very nice :) and you totally don't look 20 weeks!
you look adorable!!! I'm gald you are feeling well!!... Your costumes are great...you should give me your number so I can text you every once in a while and make sure you are doing ok, and so that we can be REAL friends...ha
I love the updates and pictures! And I LOVE the costumes! I told Brad, we should try to time our pregnancies around Halloween so we can steal that idea! So cute. We miss you guys!
great costumes!!! so funny. you are so cute prego! hope i'm half as cute! woohoo for 1/2 way!
look at your belly! I'm about 15 weeks and i'm starting to get a belly! what the heck! when did you start to show? But we got to see our baby yesterday for the first time! coolest experience EVER!
I had no idea that your brother was married. You need to tell him congratulations. It looks like you had a fun Halloween. I hope baby is doing well!
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