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Believe it or not... We're STILL ALIVE
Well since the last post, we have basically been around the world! Not really... but we never seem to stay any one place long enough for me to post pictures and blog! Since we left Florida on July 10th, we were at my parents' house in Utah for a week... then up at the ranch for a week... then at our cousin Rob's wedding in Oregon for almost a week... and now Jonnie and I are back home in Utah at my parents' and JD is back in Florida for training camp. We had a wonderful 3 week break of football but it went by WAY too fast! Instead of making this one gigantic post... I'll post lots of pictures and videos and let them do all the talking. We are missing JD already but are excited to head back to Florida on the 15th just before JD's first preseason game:] Til then.. Jonnie is loving playing with everyone here who just love and adore her so. She is growing up way too fast! She has hit some milestones since our last post... sitting up with no hands.. rolling like a champ from her back to her tummy both ways... and eating baby veggies:] She is so much fun and I just adore her cute/sassy personality. Enough jabbering though, here is what we've been up to the past month or so! This was her first roll... which happened on her 4 month b-day! Since then.. we can't keep her in one place!
ah oh my gosh she is adorable. I love the cute bows she is wearing, did you make them?? Your pics are all so cute- I'm glad you are having a fun summer girlie
Hey woman! Ok first of all...your baby is darling! She's getting so big! Anyway my "can't live without" hair products are first (also most important) is "Matrix Vavoom Root Riser" seriously works wonders. That's the one thing I would for sure spend money on. I also use "Bed Head Rockstar blowdry lotion" and "Bed Head Headrush" (although both of those you can do without if you don't want to spend the money on them) and then I use cheap pomade "got2b playful creme pomade" and cheap "Suave" hairspray. Love that stuff. Wow that's a lot of product! Haha but there you go...your hair always looks darling so I'm sure It will all turn out awesome!
Micah she is so cute! I can't wait to meet her. We definitely need to plan a trip down to Florida when you guys get out here for good. Looks like you had a great break!
OH she is adorable! Wow she is a fast mover. That is so much fun! HOpe all is going well. Sure miss you guys.
ah oh my gosh she is adorable. I love the cute bows she is wearing, did you make them?? Your pics are all so cute- I'm glad you are having a fun summer girlie
Hey woman! Ok first of all...your baby is darling! She's getting so big! Anyway my "can't live without" hair products are first (also most important) is "Matrix Vavoom Root Riser" seriously works wonders. That's the one thing I would for sure spend money on. I also use "Bed Head Rockstar blowdry lotion" and "Bed Head Headrush" (although both of those you can do without if you don't want to spend the money on them) and then I use cheap pomade "got2b playful creme pomade" and cheap "Suave" hairspray. Love that stuff. Wow that's a lot of product! Haha but there you go...your hair always looks darling so I'm sure It will all turn out awesome!
Micah she is so cute! I can't wait to meet her. We definitely need to plan a trip down to Florida when you guys get out here for good. Looks like you had a great break!
She is so so cute! We really need to get together sometime soon. And not just running into each other at Wal-Mart!
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