Last Friday we had the Hairpin Ranch branding and since I'm no longer a rookie brander... I actually helped out! I got to ride Dollar to round up the cattle.. and since I passed on the opportunity to castrate the bull calves I was mostly in charge of taking pictures... my specialty... and keeping the calves from running outta the branding pen. I almost got ran over a few times but I managed to survive! Besides the fact that my arms and face got fried it was a fun filled day! They saved the nuts so we could make rocky mountain oysters but I had to pass on that one for now! We finished up the night makin' smores and they were so dang good! I think I had like 4 of 'em. MMM...

Saturday I wanted to earn a little bit of money so they taught me how to work the John Deer lawn mower and boy was that a treat! The thing was so much fun to run! The lawn took about 6 hours to finish... and my legs got fried... but it was just like driving a race car. I loved it. I seriously looked like a dirty bum when I was finished though. I was COVERED in dirt and dust and smelled kinda funny too. Don't judge me... It's all about the natural look up here! haha.

Yesterday after we went to church at the Big Hole Branch, me and Cosy made five loaves of wheat bread with Mom Folsom and then a gigantic batch of cookies. I'm learning to be quite the little Betty Crocker while I'm up here! We finished the night off with two different games of rook... gotta love that game. Now that I'm finally old enough to play with the Lines Clan we live too stinkin' far away!

Today we were feeling pretty ambitious so we went up to the ginormous house/cabin that's a little ways up on the ranch and did some Spring chores. We had to teak oil all the outdoor wood furniture, powerwash all the four wheelers, and wash the HUGE windows on the house. It took about 6 hours so we made over 100 bucks each! Woohoo! And even better... J.D, as we're speaking/blogging... just sold one of his horses, Leo. YAY! The Leo funds can go towards paying off our future Vet school debt! Good job babe!
Well I think that about sums everything up for now. Things are fun and relaxing up here as always. Hope everyone is having a fun summer wherever this blog may find you:)
Miah just found out we were blog friends and he think he thought it was a little wierd :) So I love rook! and miah doesn't know how to play, but my family is rook fanatics!
Anyway, once again, I am totally jealous. I think I say that every time I get on your blog. Glad you didn't eat those nuts though!
So you are still up at the ranch! What a fun summer! Hey I am going to make my blog private again. Email me your email address at
Not fair...I want to get paid to clean and mow the lawn! Sounds like you are making some fun memories!!!
Micah, your such a babe! Your blogs are so cute, your so proud of your man, as am I! I want to come up to your ranch, I love HORSIES!!! LoL! I had two when I was younger! We need to go to lunch! Love ya hun!
I'm so jealous! Can someone please pay me to mow the lawn? Because I don't get paid to mow my own!! And when you aren't getting paid, it isn't as much me. We are branding this weekend--you need to do the cutting next year, it's quite the experience and worth the bloody hands to say you did it. Since I've already done that part, I'm actually going to rope the calves this year--or at least attempt to. I'll be sure to blog about the results...Love ya!
Ooh, eat a s'more for me and enjoy that time up at the ranch. That Folsom family is one of my very favorites and it is so beautiful up there. Sounds like they're workin' ya good and hard :)
Love to everyone!
It is $5000 for maternity but the thing is everything after that is 100% covered. That's what I was always running into to. So we figured what the heck we might as well just in case something was wrong with the baby. A regular pregnancy is between 8-10(so I've heard). So it's still better then paying cash, cause you never know what can happen to the baby!!
I'm excited you're a blogger! I love finding my old friends on this. Looks like you and J.D. are having a blast! :)
Well do you mean not counting insurance? I would guess around $10,000 if there are no complications. I think ours was about $11,000 but we only paid about $4,000 with our insurance. I had to be induced though and also had to be on antibiotics the whole time, so that may be a little high. If you have really good insurance you will pay alot less. My sister-in-law just had a c-section though and just her bill (not counting the baby) was $15,000. If you can't get good maternity covereage or any insurance, there is always the option of medicaid since you are both students. But everyone has different feelings about that. Email me if you have any more questions about that -
That sounds like so much fun! I would love to drive around a John Deere, ha ha.
Don't you LOVE the ranch life??? When I was younger my grandparents owned a HUGE ranch in Oklahoma and every summer I would go anywhere from a week to a month there and it was so much fun! Rounding up cows, branding and all that good stuff!! I miss it! I tell Bruce all the time, I want a ranch! haha
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