So on Monday J.D., me, Ike, and Stacy were in Twin Falls, Idaho taking care of ranch 'business'. It was great fun though! We had to ride through all the cows that J.D.'s parents have there.... and we spent about 4 hours doctoring them and making sure the calves were tagged and ready to be shipped up to the Big Hole on Tuesday! It was a lotta fun.. and my bum wasn't even too sore the next day! I loved being up there! They all were team ropin' that night at one of their friend's arenas and it was so much fun watching them! The country life is really growin on me... I realize this even more now that I am back in Utah for the next few days. My little club team I coach has their regional tournament this weekend so I had to head back alone... I miss my Hubby! I'm heading back up on Sunday though after I have a slumber party with my family Saturday night for Mother's Day! I'm sure I'll have a lot to post about in the next week or so... I'll keep ya'll updated!
This little colt was ADORABLE! It reminded me so much of Bambi! haha. so cute!
I know I said this before, but I am SOO Jealous. I grew up riding horses every day and I think its been like 10 years since I have been on one. Life in the country is so nice and just a whole different pace. How fun!!
hey mica!!!
i don't really know how to work this haha, but ya you and your hubby are so cute!
im gonna miss ya mica! less keep in touch!
Charissa(your best player)
p.s.where is your blog about our team? im appalled
One of my good friends from H.S. is a rancher and I used to love doing chores with her and riding horses. I went branding and on a round up one time. Loved it. I am jealous you get to play cowgirl!
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