these past few weeks, Jonnie seems like she is growing up so much! with her 1st birthday just 9 days away.... it's all really starting to set in. my baby is definitely more toddler than baby anymore! it makes me sad but happy all at once. she is such a sweet little one... sweet AND spicy for sure though. she'll now just come up to us and give us big hugs and kisses... which totally melts my heart. then we'll turn around and she's jetting hard core for the bathroom to see if she can hurry and stick her hand in the toilet water! GROSS. for some reason she has a mad obsession with the toilet and garbage cans. very nice huh?? she has started talking more lately too and it's been so fun to see her brain just going a mile a minute. she now says: mama, dada, ball, baby, apple, up, and happy. her greatest most recent accomplishment {and mine} is that she is FINALLY sleeping through the night! she's been going strong for a week now so i think we've got it all figured out... it only took 11 1/2 months. no biggie. it has been an amazing week to say the least! here are a few randoms from the past couple weeks.

I was super sore one day so I had JD rub out my hamstrings... Jonnie's favorite thing is acting like the grown-ups:)

Another perfect example.. she is convinced that JD's protein shakes MUST be delish since he drinks them a few times a day and she never gets any. So we've figured out that if we just let her think she is drinking some... it keeps the tantrums to a minimum.

She loves her baths now. The second we turn on the water she swings her leg up onto the ledge and tries jumping in on her own!

We headed to the beach a few days ago and Jonnie just loves it. Last summer was hard with her being so small... I was super paranoid the whole time... not so enjoyable. This summer will bring MUCH better beach days! Jonnie absolutely loves water anything... and actually keeps the sand eating under pretty good control:)
Love the bath picture! So adorable! I can't believe she is already going to be 1!!
Yay for toddlers! Such a handful, but so many heart 'melting' moments for sure! Can't wait to join you for some of those beach days this summer!
I LOVE that I can read all of your cute posts again! I have missed your blogging!!! Jonnie is DARLING!! She's the perfect mixture of you two, and her hair is precious, sounds like it fits her spicy little attitude! Harbor also has had a little obsession with the toilet water... sick! I think she really just loves the reaction she gets!
awww micah i miss her so much! and you guys too of course! i cant wait to come she really looks so much bigger and more mature. her teeth are so funny! ha Gotta talk mom into coming for sure!
I'm not gonna lie, I'm a bit jealious of all your beach activities. Jonnie is a freaking doll. I had a dream I had a baby with her same hair. I couldn't stop laughing when I woke up... I'm still laughing thinking about it.
so cute! can't believe she's almost one! how time flies.
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