I was doing her laundry last night and it just made me SO anxious for her to be here! I can't believe her tiny little body will be filling up those clothes in the next couple weeks. We have officially narrowed down the few things we still need to get her before the big debut. Ahh I thought we'd never be ready!!
36 Week Appointment:
This morning we went in for my 36 week appt so from here on out we're meeting weekly. That is nuts. I thought the day would never come. She still looks great and is measuring over 6 lbs. Also some great news... even if she goes the full 40 weeks doc said she shouldn't be more than about 8 1/2 lbs... I think I can handle that!! Ohhh, and he checked my cervix and I'm a dilated to a whopping 1/2 a centimeter and 60% effaced. Hey... at least it's something right? Haha. So now we'll just have to keep seeing how everything progresses from here on out! Her head is super low and I'm definitely feelin' it. Walking is a joyous time for me now... I look like such a penguin, it's quite pathetic. Oh well, at least she's down and getting ready!
P.S.- Cousin Britney Garner!! I got your package today and loved every little thing in it!! You are so sweet... thanks so much again!!
it looks like you scored at your shower girl!!!
Sorry again that i couldn't be there... we'll see each other soon enough! :]
As far as you dialing and being effaced... I'm jealous! Just remember when i checked into the hospital at 39 weeks... i was at an absolute ZERO!!! So you're doing great!!
She'll be here before you know it!
That is fun! Looks like you made a haul at your shower! I hope everything goes well for you guys and for sure keep us updated!!
I'm so sorry I couldn't make it! We just moved and the bishop was over. Sorry!
Holy Crap! Look at all that stuff and thats just at one shower! That is so awesome. Looks like way cute stuff. Baby stuff is so fun.
wish i could have been at the shower! Sweet grandma Nan, I love that she hosted. Love you guys...so close now! Can't wait to meet li'l baby girl.
hey sorry I couldn't make it either! I've been super sick and well I bet you wouldn't have wanted to catch it! You got way cute stuff! I can't believe how close you are now!
Your welcome! Hope everything goes well for you and you don't have a painful labor. Just remember - get the epidural! It makes everything heavenly! You even get a catheter (sp?) - and that is always nice! lol
I am so excited for you. Looking at this post made me even more excited to be having a girl too. There are so many cute little clothes and things to get for girls.
I am so excited for you!! You will be such a good mom!
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