One of my friends got married yesterday so we went to their dinner/reception last night and it was so nice! She looked beautiful and it was so fun to see her so happy! I love weddings and seeing how fresh their love is! They both got up and kinda talked about each other and it was the sweetest thing... I love seeing people in love! It seriously makes my heart melt. I'm so lucky to be married to my best friend, the one I always get twitterpaited over when I haven't seen him for a few hours. It's the best. I just love him so much!

We sat at the 'grown-up' table with my assistant coaches and their other halves... I guess that's what happens when you're almost parents! It was way fun... I love talking with them and hearing their insights on babies and things....SK and Jesse have the cutest little 2 year old, Brynlee, and she's got a little boy on the way so we're both super anxious for our big days to come!

Steph is about 27 weeks and I'm just a little over 33... time needs to start tickin' dangit!
Oh your belly is so cute! What is your due date?? Are you ready?
That was a fun night! I found another website. I havent checked it out but in the magazine the stuff looked cute. It's The store is in Kaysville I guess. Anyway, I am so excitd for our babies. You better not move before mine gets here!
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