Jonnie and I got back last night from Arizona where we spent Thanksgiving with my family... It was so good to see everyone and spend time with them! I definitely miss living close to family... but it sure does make visits that much more special.
**If anyone needs a cute idea for a Christmas gift or baby gifts... make sure you visit this blog... My Aunt Mary is a jewelry guru and made Jonnie the CUTEST bracelets while we were down there... Definitely go look at all the cute things she can make for YOU!

that is so exciting that she's walking!!!
Oaks is getting close.. but Jonnie for sure has her beat!!! :)
they grow up too fast!
I can't believe that she's walking! You better re-kid-proof everything! Aiden can climb all over the place so our apt is getting more and more empty!
That is so crazy she is walking already! What a quick learner! I love those bracelets - adorable! Do you know how much she selling them for??
she is walking?! oh man she is getting soo big. micah you sure did make a cute baby. :)
How exciting! I love when they first start walking.. they look like little drunk sailors.. haha she is darling, I love the outfit she has on too! :) I want to see her.. You let me know when you come back in town!
Brodie was walking that early too...and then he took off and I still can't keep up with him :) It was so good to see you and all your family at Thanksgiving, I'm so glad you guys came and that I finally got to meet little miss Jonnie in person. She is a cutie for sure!
It is crazy how fast they grow, She is so cute I love watchin babies walk. That is great that you got to go see your family. I am sure they were all so excited to see your babe for the first time. Where in AZ were you? I grew up in Page...I am sure you were down in the valley somewhere nice and warm..jealous!
i can't believe she is getting so big!! and walking!!
darling, darling little girl:)
seriously?!!! walking at 8's because she's got super-athletes for parents!! She'll be working on her vertical in a month I'm sure:) i love how babies fall down so much when they learn to walk, but they are sooooo happy even though they just biffed it.
Oh my gosh, I can't believe she is already picking up walking! You've got your work cut out for you. James isn't even to the crawling stage! I wish I could have seen you when you came! I bet you had a blast catching up with family!
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