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The 'Suite Life'..... week 3
This week was full of events…. Most good and one NOT so good. Tuesday night we got to go to a Marlins game with some of the players and one of the guys’ agents. He was friends with Dan Uggla, the 2nd basemen so we met him after the game and he’s a way nice guy. Jonnie was SO good! She slept for almost the whole thing and then woke up for the last hour or so and loved being outside. She takes in everything no matter where we go and it is so cute to watch.
Friday, JD had off so we spent a couple hours at the pool and then did a little shopping…. They have tons of neat stores out here and a sweet outlet mall just a few minutes away… lots of fun! That night we went out to dinner with Orion, another inside linebacker, and his wife. Saturday JD got to go deep sea fishing with some of the other players and a bunch of rich guys for a fund raiser. He loved it and they caught about 50 fish…. Some king fish, dolphin, and another kind I can’t remember. That night there was a sort of banquet/dinner/fundraiser down on South Beach where there were tons of huge dolphins fans getting autographs and bidding on a bunch of Dolphins stuff in a silent auction. The food was really good… steak, chicken, wings.. MMM… Once again, Jonnie was a doll. It was weird to see JD signing autographs… kinda nuts. All the big wigs were there…. Joey Porter, Ronnie Brown, there were some big dudes! I can see now why JD says he feels so small out there!
Sunday after church we had a picnic with some of our friends at a park. Yummy food and great weather! We are so grateful for such good friends out here! Mallory is pregnant so it’s fun to see the whole process from an outside perspective. It’ll be fun when Jonnie can have a little friend to play with!
Now for the not so good event… some jerko tried to break into our truck! SCARY! It was parked right outside the hotel and he still tried doin it. He cut through the handle and messed up the lock so now we can’t manually unlock it anymore… we just have to use the keyless remote. The cop said that from what they saw they thought they were trying to steal our truck.. not just some stuff in it. They didn’t take anything, but JD thinks they got in and might have tried to hot wire it because one of the front panels was kinda popped out. I can’t believe people! Why can’t everyone just be nice and honest?! Gol… we’re just glad they didn’t succeed! Overall, a great week though! We are liking it more and more each week out here. I’m still not hating the hotel life… but it will be SO nice when we have our own place and we can actually COOK! Woo!
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that's way awesome that you guys got to go to the marlins game and meet the second baseman.. sweet! we'll be going to the red sox vs. braves game on the 21st, father's day.. we're excited! sounds like you guys are having so much fun! that stinks that your truck got broken into.. luckily you still have it! hopefully nothing else like that will happen.. :)
Sounds like you guys are livin the life out there. Jonnie is getting so big and is so adorable. Glad to hear they didnt end up stealing your truck!
Bring that baby back to gamps!
Yea, a few of my folks are bugging me for JD's autograph. I gave them mine. They gave it back. Live it up kids. You've both worked hard... Jonnie's outburst is precious.
Love you guys.
Okay, Jonnie is quite possibly one of the cutest babies ever!! I'm glad you guys are loving it in Florida!
It looks like you guys are having and blast! Except for a weirdo breaking into your truck. Jonnie is super cute:)
ahhhh i can not wait to come...10 days!! And jonnie is getting so big and chunky i love it!!!
wow - must be nice living the good life! I cant believe how pretty Jonny is! She is the cutest. She looks a lot like JD I think..... glad you are having fun there!
Hey there hot mama!!! the only way anyone can tell you've given birth is by that adorable babe in your arms! We're so glad you guys are doing good and having fun in stinkin' sun...has anyone told you how crazy much its been raining here?! Anyway, we love you guys and miss seeing ya at church ;)
awww jonnie is darling!! it looks like you are having a blast in miami! i like florida alot, i would totally live there plus they have disneyworld! hehe post more pics of that baby dangit! lol
Oh man it sounds like you guys are having so much fun! I'm jealous that you guys got to move and experience life in Florida!! Aw... I love the south! Jonnie is adorable- wish I could meet her!
what a little cutie! she is getting so big:)
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