As for JD, things with football are going well. He’s still just taking in all the new stuff and trying to catch up on learning the defense and just the whole new scheme. He has positive things to say each day when he gets home though so that’s always good!
Jonnie girl is getting bigger and cuter by the minute. We usually head to the pool right when we wake up since it’s the rainy season and rains most afternoons. She loves kickin around in the water until she wears herself out for her morning nap on the lawn chair… under the umbrella of course.
Once we get back from the pool after about an hour or so, its bath time and then food network time! I never was that interested in cooking… but now I can’t wait to get out of this hotel and into a kitchen! All in all… we are loving our adventure out here and can’t wait to see what all’s in store for us! Miss you all back home!!

You guys a re really blessed. Sorry we couldn't get the webcam working today. I sure do miss squeezing that baby girl. Babies in pools are adorable. Good to hear you kids have a familiar and comfortable network of friends. These will be people you will cherish for the rest of your lives. Grandma Lines still talks about the couple friends that she and Grandpa bonded with while going to BYU.
Stay positive JD. This is a chance of lifetime and we're all sooo proud of you.
Love you kids so much!
Micah did you EVEN have a baby?!! It usually takes people forever to lose their baby weight!! Looks like so much fun!! I am glad to see you are all doing so well!
I still can't believe you have a baby.. She's so stinkin cute though.
I know isn't it great how the church really is such a family every where you go! We still need to plan a trip down to see you guys! So glad you are liking it so well!
girl way to get the bikini bod back! I've never had a child and theres no way in heck I could ever wear that suit :D looks like you guys are having a great adventure!
It's so fun to read about your adventures in Florida. It sounds like your ward is a lot like our ward: Utah transplants that moved away for med/dental/law school. We love it that way. It's so good to have people to talk to that are going through adventures of their own! We can't wait to read more!
Looks like you are having a blast! New adventures are so much fun!
Congrats on graduating! Congrats on the move! And congrats on that bod of yours! You make me sick.
It's good you have a blog so that I can keep up on your life...I hope things are going well for your little family, but it sounds like they are. Keep in touch!
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