She is finally here!! She made her big debut on Saturday morning, March 21, at 1:03 am. I should have known she would be ready to come out then... she was always such a night owl in my tummy! It has been quite the adventure to say the least, but it has been an amazing experience! I have probably felt just about every emotion possible in the past 4 days but it has all been so worth it! I'll do a long, specific post about my labor another time... right now I just want to focus on our little super star:]

Her Name:
We decided to name her Jonnie after J.D. (John David) and both of our cute Dads, (Jon & John). Her middle name is Belle and that's not after anyone, we just really loved it and thought it went well with Jonnie. I can't picture her being called any other name.. it just fits her to a T.

Jonnie weighed in at a whopping 8 lbs. 9 oz.!! ouch! Her head made it out great cause it was so cone shaped from being down so low... but she must have her Daddy's broad shoulders cause they definitely weren't making it through without a nice little tear for Mommy. She was 21 1/2 inches long... this girl is all legs! From inside my tummy, our doctor always said she was gonna have some pretty long legs and she surely does.

Update on what's going on:
She was born healthy and happy and everything was great! She latched on right away and hasn't quit eating since! She's such a good little breastfeeder... or breast eater, whichever is the right term. Everything was going well.. we finally get to my room and tried to sleep around 4:30 am, and then around 6:00 she started to be a little fussy and seemed like she was having to work a little too hard to breathe. My nurse cleaned out her mouth cause she was still kinda liquidy, and took her to the nursery to run some tests and figure out what was going on. Turns out, she had some fluid in her lungs, and they wanted to make sure to get everything cleared up so they ran a blood culture and put her on antibiotics. Turns out she had a high CRP count, which means that her little body was trying to fight off the start of some sort of infection. Her glucose levels were also a little low and since she was having a hard time breathing, they put her on some oxygen too. This was when things got hard... and I couldn't stop crying! My sweet little angel was taken to the NICU so they could monitor her more closely and make sure everything got cleared up. When she first went in there, she was hooked up to the oxygen thing, had an IV full of some sort of glucose fluid, had an IV in her head and her hand for the antibiotics, and had to be in the little incubator. It was the hardest thing to see and it makes me cry just thinking back to it. Most of those didn't last long though because she started making progress so fast! She is such a little trooper. They took her off the oxygen after the first day and the glucose IV on the 2nd day when her tests were coming back better and better each time. In order to get them up without the IV, we had to have her breastfeed and then also have her take some formula as well until my milk came in. It helps that she is such a good eater! The real stuff came in in no time:) Thank heavens for that. She still has an IV in her head, actually this is her second now because the antibiotics are really tough on her little veins and they only last so long. She's also now in an open crib so it's way nicer. This all sounds really serious and scary... that's what I thought when they initially told me about it, but she really is doing SO well! She is still in the NICU and I feed her every couple hours and we're with her as much as we possibly can! Since I am a breastfeeding mom, they have me just boarding in my same postpartum room til she gets released to go home. I probably am with her about 14 hours out of the day so it hasn't been too bad. I just can't wait to be able to take her home with us. It has been the hardest thing seeing them poke her with needles and having to leave her each time.

I don't know what I would do without my sweet husband and wonderful Mom. JD has been amazing throughout this whole thing and is the cutest Daddy in the world. Jonnie already has him wrapped around her little finger. JD gets up in the middle of the night with me at 3:30 am to go feed her even though he has school and so much going on outside of our little family. He just can't get enough of her. I thought I was gonna die when Monday came and JD had to go back to school and everything, but my Mom has been coming up from about 9 to 2 so I'm only alone for a couple hours. I don't think I could walk away from Jonnie's side if I didn't have someone with me. They would have to just let me camp out there! I am so grateful for our wonderful families and all the love they have for us and our sweet Jonnie already. I don't know what we'd do without them.
Jonnie's now on her 4th day of antibiotics and they like them to be on them from 7-10 days so hopefully we can be outta here by this weekend! Keep her in your prayers, maybe we can get out of here a little sooner! I love love LOVE being a Mom and am amazed at the love I have for this little girl! My mom always said I would never understand it until I had my own... and this is DEFINITELY true!

Four Days old and cute as can be!
Congratulations you two! She is BEAUTIFUL! You are in our prayers! Can't wait to meet her!!
Micah she is so precious! I am so happy for you and J.D...we will definitely keep your sweet Jonnie in our prayers! I can't wait to see her!
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! she is so precious! it breaks my heart that you have had to go through what you have with her... but i am so glad that she is doing so well! we are keeping you guys in our prayers! :] being a mom is never easy, but it is soooo worth it!
Micah! She is so sweet!! how adorable! usually newborns kinda look the same! but She def. has her own look already!! shes so so cute!!! Congrats! You will be in our prayers!
Congrats Micah! You already look like a pro at the whole mom thing. I can't wait to see more pics, she is absolutely magnificent. I'm sure Jonnie will be fine in no time, she is in my prayers...
Micah! She is beautiful! Your post made me tear up a little bit! You are going to be such an awesome mom! She is adorable and we'll keep her in our prayers.
Good Work! You did it and she is so perfect. Im so happy for you and cant wait for you to be able to take her home with you. You are one tuff mama and I know that you will be strong and make it through this. She is so cute!
Yay I have been waiting for your post! I can't believe how much she already looks like you guys! How sad she has had to go through that I can't even imagine! I love the last picture of all of you so cute! Congrats again she's precious weird to think you're finally a mom means we're getting old haha
She is ADORABLE!!!
Bless her sweet little heart for having to be a trooper so young!
I'm happy to hear that everything is going well, and how it's supposed to now!
Let me know if there's anything i can do to help!
And i wouldn't be able to leave her side, i just barley started leaving Oaks for like an hour these last couple of weeks... so you are a strong woman!!!
Congrats, again! I can't wait until you can take her home!!
She is such a precious little girl! You guys have such a sweet family now and i can tell you guys will both be great parents :) I hope things get better! She seems like a strong little healthy girl so I'm sure things will look up in no time! I can't wait for you to take her home.. how fun! Well, Brian and i are so happy for you guys and wish the best of luck to you all :) I get such a kick out of your posts! Haha. I'm so baby hungry it's not even funny! CONGRATS again!
oh micah! she's adorable! Congratulations! I am so so SO happy for you guys. I hope she keeps improving as well as she has been :) again, congrats.
Yay!! Congrats you guys!! Totally remember the whole crazy emotions thing, it does get better but funny how the littlest things can make you tear up!! I'm so glad she's such a good eater, I can honestly say that the first two weeks after I had Selma were the hardest of my entire life so I'm so happy that she's a good breastfeeder :) Can't wait to hear more about the labor and everything, you're in our thoughts and prayers!!
Bawling...yep that is what i am doing! Love you guys!
Congrats JD and Micah! She is a cutie for sure! How fun for you guys. Hope Jonnie gets better real so so you call all go home and get some rest.
She is so cute and you are so beautiful!! I want to see her! I'm so excited for you to take her home with you.
I am so happy for you guys. She will always make you smile. kids are the best gift ever! she is adorable!!!
Hunny she is absolutely gorgeous! She looks just like you! I hope things continue to get better.
she is so adorable!!!!! i love her cheeks:)
glad to here that you are both doing well!
that was a tear jerker! I am so glad she is doing well...I will pray for her and her recovery! I love the name, it is perfect for your little girl!! Kind of random, but I just remember in Jr. High when Micah Parker got so mad that you had the name Micah. That was hilarious! Good luck!!
Yay! I've been waiting to see her. I'm so sorry that you have had to go through everything you have. She is so beautiful! I can't wait for you to post more pictures. Get your rest cuz as soon as you get out of the hospital you are on your own. No nurses - and order all the food you can! :) Good luck with everything. We love you guys!
Micah and JD! Jonnie is so beautiful! I am so happy for you guys and I cant wait to see this little one. YAY! Congratulations!
YAY!! She's finally here! She's gorgeous! I'm so glad she's doing better, I can imagine how scary and hard that would be.
Congrats! She is adorable and has the cutest little cheeks I have ever seen!!! Sounds like she is pretty strong willed...you will get a real dose of it when she is 2!!! hahaha Our prayers are with you all!
She's here! I've been checking your blog, hoping for pictures. She is so darling and sweet. We'll keep her in our prayers. Hope you all get to go home soon.
love to the three of you.
That Carrie Underwood song was playing as I read your post, and I just started crying!!! We are so happy for you guys, and we will definitely keep all three of you in our prayers. We can't wait to meet the new addition to the Folsom family!
She is so cute! Congrats hope you guys are able to go home soon. Glad to hear everything is going to be ok.
oh micah! She is so beautiful! I'm glad that she is here. I'm sorry for the promblems she has gone through and hope that she will continue to get better. I'm glad you are doing good. Please let me know if you need anything
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