We have finished up all the last minute things.... putting the bassinet next to our bed, setting up the stroller and swing, finishing up my hospital bag, putting the car seat in the car. I am so anxious for tomorrow, yet completely nervous cause I don't really know what to expect. I know whatever we go through though, it will all be worth it when I'm finally holding her in my arms.

So after about 15 walks, 2 trial runs with castor oil, lots of love-making (big belly and all), doc stripping my membranes, trying acupressure, talking to her, eating spicy foods, chinese food, and taking herbal stuff........

Doc says I'm ready to be induced TOMORROW!
My Dad has had a crazy work schedule and has been out of town 3 of the 4 weeks this month... except for the weekends. I really want 'Papa Jon' to be there alongside the rest of our family so that's why I chose to do it this weekend, rather than waiting til my due date when my Dad will be on the road again.
She is growing healthy and strong and I can't wait to see her!! I went in yesterday and was dilated between 2 and 3 cm so hopefully it won't take FOREVER! In preparation for tomorrow, JD and I are going to get a couples massage in about an hour and I cannot wait! I told Cosy to make sure she hits ALL the points that they tell massage therapists NOT to on pregnant women or it might put them into labor. BRING IT ON COS! haha.. just can't wait! So here is the 39 week belly!

I'll try and post as soon as I can after her big arrival!! Until then... be patient... and keep us in your prayers:]
Your the cutest prego i have ever seen micah! Good Luck tomorrow, im sure everything will go great!
I AM SO EXCITED FOR YOU! And jealous at the same time. You look seriously amazing. You do not have an ounce of fat on you. Good luck tomorrow it is going to be such an exciting day:)
How was the caster oil? I took it and it didnt work. It made me sit on the pot for a day wishing I would die! Never again!
oh my goodness! I am so excited for you! Good luck! You will be bringing home the most beautiful baby girl! Cant wait to see pictures!
Good Luck tomorrow! I can't wait to see pictures!
Good luck tomorrow! Get some rest - it's gonna be a LONG day...and life after that:) I'm glad Uncle Jon could be there for her birth too. How exciting! I'll be checking back for pictures!
oh yay i'm so excited for you! she's going to be a gorgeous little thing! Can't wait to see pictures of her!
good luck! that is so exciting! can't wait to see pictures of your little girl!
yay! I guess today is the big day! good luck & post pictures asap!
Ah I'm so excited for you guys! Today's the day :) Good luck!
Yay! Micah! Good luck with everything! Be careful and I'm so excited for you both! you will be a great mom!
Yeah! Let us know. Love the stretch pants ... again and the photo with your dad in the background holding the bag of chips. 3 guesses - he's offering them to the dog? He gets that look on his face when he talks to it! Keep us posted. Can't wait for the photos.
so exciting! i can't wait to see what that baby girl looks like!
CONGRATULATIONS! We heard little Jonni is here, and we can't wait to see your entire cute little family! We're so happy and excited for you guys!
I hope everything goes well! I am excited to see your cute little girl!
I CAN'T WAIT! You lucky little girl being induced a week early! I went a stinkin week late!
You probably have baby Folsom by now but I hope things went well!! Can't wait to see this little angel of yours!
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