Last night, I did manage to get an actual belly shot since I really haven't taken a legit one since I was 16 weeks! And yes, the picture didn't let me down a bit. I kind of notice the baby weight starting to find each curve I have and stickin to it even without pictures.. but they sure do reconfirm that I really do have some of my sanity left:) With that said, here I am, 29 weeks and a couple days.... almost ready for the big 10 week countdown!

Yesterday after work we headed to Park City for JD to get some new work out shoes and I found some cute maternity tops at that Motherhood store... I was stoked! After shopping, we headed down to Salt Lake to hang out with our friends Becca and Justin. We had such a fun time eating pizza, brownies & ice cream... yum!, playing Balderdash... thanks Justin for kicking all our butts! and just visiting forever... the dogs even passed out before we got outta there! Thanks for bein such good sports Ridge and Missy!
Micah you look great! It's getting pretty close now, huh? So exciting!
Sounds like you had fun and you are still freakin skinny you will lose it all i'm sure. Also very cute hat!
You look great! I bet your so excited to have your baby!
I freakin love you guys! Just so you know. And I can't wait for Jonnie (Johnnie?) to come!!
You are so cute Micah!! And you look so cute with your prego tummy.
That is so exciting your almost to the ten week count down!
Micah you are still so cute and TINY!!! Enjoy it while it lasts - those next ten weeks will come super fast. I am so excited for you guys!
so so so so so cuTE!!!! I am so excited for you and we need to hang out ver very soon!!! PLEASE let me know when your shower is:) oh yeah and jd gave derek your phone number to give to me a while back and I have text it a few times and got nothin back so I decided to call and that phone # doesn't work!!! So email me yours:)
Wow, facebook and blogging friends!!! Hope all is well with the baby. If it is any consolation for how awful you might feel, we just found out that I am there with ya!!! Not nearly as far along, but sick and bloated none the less!!! Keep us up to date on your progress!
you are the cutest prego girl EVER! how fun! your outfit is UBER cute too!
can't wait to see the baby!
You look super cute as being Pregnant, you always look cute though! I know only 3 weeks! It goes by so fast hun! Yours will be here before you know it!
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