**Jonnie is now ONE MONTH and two days and growing by the minute.

**Yesterday was the first time she smiled while she was awake.. and she did it when JD was playing with her. I think she has a crush:]

**Our insurance is trying to make us pay for all the NICU bills... what the heck was the $5000 copay and then they covered 100% after that bull crap all about then?! UGH.. I hate insurance. Hopefully we can get this figured out soon.
**Easter was great! We spent it at my parents' house and had some fun Easter egg hunts... Jonnie had a cute little Easter dress and looked adorable!

**JD got a call and letter from Washington State telling him he's been ACCEPTED! So the day after we sent off our $500 NON-refundable check to Oklahoma State to hold his spot... we are now shifting gears and heading to Washington State if the football thing doesn't work out.
**THREE more days til the draft... and also when JD will get the big call from a team if they want him as a Free Agent. The whole process is nuts... but so far he's been talking to Indianapolis, Miami, Dallas, and Kansas City. So we'll see what happens!
**ONE final stands between me and graduation! WOO! I think I'm gonna take it on Monday.
**We got a storage unit for the summer.. thanks Brye and Michelle for finding it!... and started moving our stuff in yesterday. No matter if we end up doing the football thing or Vet School, we're doing the storage unit thing til we find a place in August wherever we end up... TALK ABOUT FLYING BY THE SEAT OF YOUR PANTS!
**Weber had their football banquet last Thursday and JD got Defensive MVP for the 2nd year in a row... WOO go babe! (I'm still trying to figure out how to balance Wife and Mom... clearly I stink at the wife part lately cause I didn't get ANY pictures of him at the banquet. Cosy did though so I will need to steal those from her.)
**I LOVE being a Mom and just adore Jonnie. I'm sure she didn't know what she was getting herself into when she became part of our family.. but boy is it an adventure!

I think that touches on just about everything. We are doing great and just trying to get by each day. We love the hot weather and taking walks whenever we can! I can't wait til JD is done with this semester!!
We had a lot of insurance issues with my husband getting an appendectomy. Don't be afraid to appeal your claims. We ended up only having to pay $150 for an ER visit and we are still battling with them for another visit.
PS Your family is adorable!
hey! i'm glad you guys are doing well! i hope everything works out for JD and your cute little family! keep us updated!
I hate insurance too. So confusing to me. I hope they get it figured out. My mother in law is really good at dealing with insurance companies because she fights with them for a living lol. If you have any questions for her I know she would be glad to help you with whatever she can just let me know.
Jonnie is getting so big and she is so adorable. You already look so good. I am very impressed lol.
She is so adorable Micah!They are so fun when they're little, but they do grow/change so fast! Enjoy it!
A month old already? WOW that has flown! It's about time you updated. I have been checking forever. She is sure getting big and is such a cutie!!
oh my gosh! we just saw that jd was drafted to the NFL! congrats.... you have no idea how excited i am for you guys. I think i started crying I was so excited for you! I hope you like the heat.... and I hope you will let us come see you in FL cuz Ive always wanted to visit. Congrats to JD!
Busy busy!! Looks like you guys have a ton going on, but at least it's fun stuff right? :) She is getting so big and is such a cutie, I love video!! Keep the pictures coming!
Hunny she is so stinkin cute! It sounds like you guys are going crazy right now trying to figure everything out. Good luck on drafts and picking which school to go too!
Oh my goodness you are so cute! I want to see that baby of yours!
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