Enough said! What they THOUGHT looked like a little tyke... turned out to be a just a slighly swollen little GIRL! JD's face was priceless when the doc told us the news... but he is more than excited to kiss all over his baby girl when she comes! It was kinda weird... I thought I wanted a little boy first to be the big brother and all, but when the doc told me last time that he thought it was a boy... I was kind of disappointed. For some reason I had a feeling it was a girl and can't even act like I'm surprised she really is!
My Dad even said she was a girl the whole time and my mom thought she was too. Sorry babe... maybe next time you'll get your little slugger! He said we'll keep poppin' em out til we get a boy! This could be a LONG process! haha. But I can't wait to dress her up in all sorts of cute stuff and show her how much fun bein a girl is:) I guarantee she'll be a little daddy's girl too. We already have a name picked out but we'll keep that our little secret 'til she arrives in March!