Utah then Montana then Utah again.... now back in Florida!
We spent a little over 3 weeks back west and loved every minute of it. JD made his first saddle with his dad while we were up in Montana and decided that he definitely wants to get all his own tools so he can build saddles in the offseason / during any downtime throughout vet school / for a forever hobby:) he sure is quite the little handy man.
It was fun being back with family and I know Jonnie loves every bit of the attention she gets from everyone. She's quite the little entertainer these days! Wait.. who am I kidding? She has been from day one.
She has been up and at em walking since 8 1/2 months and we can't hold her down for a second anymore. This girl has gotta be on the go at all times and believe me.. you will hear about it if she's not! She's got a little hot personality to go right along with that red hair! We are currently in the process (now that we are home in one place for a bit) of trying to get her on a better sleep schedule... and it has been quite the treat:) She's actually been doing pretty well so hopefully it keeps going!
She loves the outdoors, so the other day JD and I took her to the park and she wanted to stay there forever. I think she would love an open field with her ball just as much though. She has the cutest obsession with balls already. Any kind. She just walks around holding them at all times. Thus, we have one in the car, the diaper bag, and all over the house. Perfect. Good thing our place is so tiny... it's turned into Jonnie's own little play pen.
JD's schedule is really nice during the off-season. From the beginning of Feb-mid March, he just works out 3 days a week in the mornings. The other two days he's shadowing a vet for about 10 hours a week so he can continue working towards the vet stuff. He's doing 6 credits through weber while we are out here and shadowing counts for 4 of them. WOO! We also just found out the other day that JD's year deferment from Oklahoma State got extended for another year:) So he still has a spot there for the 2011 class if he decides football just isn't his thing.
All in all.. we are loving just spending lots of time together and can't wait for family to get out here soon (Aunt Mary is on the plane as I type this.... YAY!!) Hope all is well with everyone!
Oh ps... we just took this from our apartment balcony a couple weeks ago and I just found it on the camera.. love it!
Hey...I might be making a trip to Miami in the very near future. You game to play with me while I'm there?
YAY!! You guys seem to be having so much fun. And Daren says HI, as always.
Tell JD I'm in the market for a new saddle. I got a small mare that none of my saddles fit. But it will be a few years before I "need" it since I'm in St Louis and the mare is Utah.
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